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TRIDOM Gabon Landscape
© Emmanuel Rondeau / WWF France

The Trinational Dja-Odzala-Minkébé Area (TRIDOM)

The TRIDOM landscape involved 3 countries, Cameroon, Congo and Gabon. 

Its natural resources are exploited by diverse industries such as fisheries, mines, and forestry.

The landscape is known as the region's first ''hot-spot'' for the conservation of forest elephants. 

Covering nearly 10% of Central Africa's tropical forests, or 178,000km² in those countries, this ecological landscape now contains 11 protected areas, including the Minkébé, Mwagna and Ivindo national parks in Gabon. 

It features most of the biodiversity of the Central African rainforests with emblematic species such as forest elephants, great apes (gorillas and chimpanzees). 
With an estimated 85% forest coverage and its low rate of deforestation, TRIDOM is one of the most undamaged forest blocs in the Congo Basin
© WWF-Gabon

Threats and challenges

The TRIDOM landscape is facing several threats that are causing the degradation and the loss of its natural resources, such as :
  • Poaching of elephants for ivory
  • Hunting for the bushmeat trade
  • Degradation and loss of natural habitats due to unsustainable extractive activities in the forestry, mining, agro-industry, food crop sectors, etc...
  • Human-wildlife conflicts, especially the Human-Elephant conflict
Elephant poaching is one of the greatest threats to the natural habitat of the TRIDOM landscape
© Christiaan van der Hoeven / WWF-Netherlands

What is WWF doing?

WWF conducts projects focused on engaging the local communities and the private sector in the sustainable governance of natural resources through :
  • The reduction of bushmeat and commercial hunting through enhanced the engagement of local and indigenous communities 
  • The support for the development and the implementation of a wildlife protection plan in forest concessions
  • The support towards local communities in the acknowledgement of their rights (participatory mapping, support to CSOs for the follow-up of companies' commitments...)
  • The limitation of the deforestation and the destruction of these ecosystems (setting up of an early warning system for deforestation)
  • The documentation on the biological and social diversity for a more effective use of land (wildlife inventory, socio-economic studies...)
  • The improvement of the cooperation between the countries of the area of TRIDOM on the trans-boundary themes