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The GAMBA Protected Area Complex (GPAC)
© WWF-Gabon

The Gamba Protected Area Complex (GPAC)

Located in the Gabonese part of the Gamba Conkouati complex in southern Gabon, the Gamba Protected Area Complex (GPAC) is reputed to possess a mosaic of pristine habitats and a fairly high species diversity, making it the so-called Eden of Gabon. 

Covering an area of 1,500,000 ha and located across three Provinces (Ogooué-Maritime, Nyanga and Ngounié), the complex is one of the largest protected areas in Gabon.
It contains :
  • two national parks: Loango (known for its marine and terrestrial macro fauna, its diversity of habitats and its touristic potential) and Moukalaba-Doudou ( remarkable for its great apes and its hills which provide a refuge for many species);
  • two Ramsar sites, Petit-Loango;and Setté-Cama; 
  • wildlife reserves;
  • a Forest Concession under Sustainable Management (CFAD), certified by the Forest Stewardship Council (FSC);
  • a petroleum exploitation and exploration axis, and agro-industrial concessions;
  • two cities and their population (Mandji, 3 000 inhabitants, and Gamba, almost 11000). 
Gabon has the biggest population of forest elephants.
© WWF-Gabon

Threats and challenges

The complex of Gamba is facing threaten that cause loss and destruction of natural resources as :
  • Poaching for the ivory trade
  • Human-wildlife conflict, including human-elephant conflict 
  • Illegal exploitation of wildlife resources for trade 
  • Unsustainable use of fisheries resources
  • Conversion and fragmentation of natural habitats due to agriculture  
WWF-Gabon works to ensure the sustainable management and resilience of the GAMBA Complex
© WWF / James Morgan

What is WWF doing?

To secure the sustainable management and the resilience of the 589,700 hectares of Protected Areas and Private Concessions, we concentrate our activities around : 
  • the sustainable management of this unique biological treasure by involving all the stakeholders of the complex as much as possible. This includes, for example, the implementation of platforms with either the private sector such as the Anti-Poaching Programme (ProLab) or the conservationists and indigenous people; 
  • the permanent biodiversity monitoring programmes with camera traps; 
  • the support to the local NGOs 
  • the mitigation of the human-wildlife conflict
  • some training programmes to guide our partners